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Breathwork is one of the most powerful tools that I've come across in my own process of transformation. I work with conscious connected breathwork which has the capacity to open us deep into our emotional body and into our sub-conscious mind, giving us a space to process, to release and to heal aspects of ourself that are much more challenging to reach from talking alone

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For many, conscious connected breathwork is a deeply transformational practice. On a physical level, it has the potential to balance an overstressed nervous system, to improve sleep and digestion, to support our immune systems and to give our bodies the well deserved nourishing rest that they need to function optimally. But for me, this practice is much deeper than the physical.

Through the intentional increasing of oxygen levels in the blood, we start to tap into the deepest parts of ourselves... we tap into the emotional body, we tap into the subconscious narratives of our minds and for some, we tap into the deepest forms of personal truths that are almost impossible to connect with in our normal waking minds.

It's a powerful, powerful practice which I feel deeply honoured and humbled to be able to share.

If you're interested in joining one of my group breathwork journeys, it would be an honour to have you - you can book in here, but before you do so, I'd recommend downloading the additional information sheet just to make sure this practice is right for you.

Are you ready?

If something is lighting up in you, trust that nudge. That was the first thing I started to do before my life completely changed for the better. Trust the gentle nudges. 

Let's work together...


"You skilfully adapted the sessions to what I needed, shared relevant follow-up materials/sources, and strategically incorporated breathwork to generate the highest impact. During the 3 months, the work felt smooth and effortless; in hindsight, relevant shifts happened that would have required much more work and taken much longer (if at all) if it hadn't been for your guidance."

⎯ Elena, Financial Services

"Lucy changed the trajectory of my life. Sounds dramatic, but she really did! I've gone from feeling burnt out, stuck and emotionally drained to confident, energetic and excited about the future again. Dive in, open your heart, let Lucy guide you, I'm so glad I did!"

⎯ Caroline, Project Manager in Financial Services

"Thanks to the continued work I have done with Lucy I found the confidence to ask for a 12 month sabbatical from my current job and during that time have pursued those things that I love and which spark joy and interest within me. This has taken me down a path of self improvement and learning that I did not think I would be on, but one which I am wholeheartedly loving being immersed in. I would never have had the courage to do this without Lucy's help."

⎯ Helen, Financial Services

"Three sessions with Lucy have brought me a sense of calm I haven't had in a very long time. I'm still trying to wrap my head around the magic that is breathwork, but the few sessions that I have done with Lucy have gone beyond anything I have ever imagined possible."

⎯ Will, Lawyer

My other programs

Liberate Private Coaching Program

You've made it to a certain point in life where you've 'succeeded' in the traditional sense.. at yet something feels missing. You've won the golden egg and yet you feel empty, you feel uninspired at work, jaded about life and are started to question .. is this really it?

You've in the right place, my 1-1 programme is just the thing for you..

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Group Programs

The Liberate Collective is open for applications

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Corporate Workshops

I have walked the walk. I now walk a different walk, but the corporate walk is still within me. What this means is that I have sat through far too many slightly dry, textbook presentations on ‘what kind of communicator are you?’ to subsequently leave the room with an inbox full to the brim and a vague sense of having been short changed my time. This is not my vibe. I bring material that will inspire, educate and actually be applicable day to day… because I know the day to day. 

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Where are you based?

I made the decision to become location independent when I left banking, so I move around a lot, taking in the beauty of life all over the world. Mexico City quickly became a favourite until I moved to Cape Town and now am semi-obsessed with being by the sea. That sqaid,  London will always be home. All of my work is online, which frees both me and you to be wherever we please.

Is it as powerful to do inner work online as in person?

My belief is, yes. There are obviously benefits to in person work but there are also limitations to take into account like the fact you have to travel to get to where I am, and all the faff that that entails. I find online work removes one of the barriers to actually showing up for ourselves.

What’s the difference between what you do and therapy?

The work I do is based on the premise that you are a human of infinite potential, who has picked up some (unhelpful) conditioning along the way along with potentially some trauma pieces that, healed, would free you up in unimaginable ways. I focus on healing the root so that you can move forward towards what you desire. It's always framed on moving you forward towards what you want, rather than digging around in the past without clear focus or just helping you cope with life as it is right now. I don't do coping. I do thriving.

What did you learn to do what you do now?

Life. And, of course, some courses... most recently, a Diploma in Transformational Coaching with Animas, Life Coaching Certification with Jacqueline Hurst, 400h of Breathwork Facilitator Training with Sacred Breath Academy, 600h Ayurveda with the Institute of Ayurveda, Reiki Levels 1 and 2 and Compassionate Inquiry with Gabor Mate. I am currently also studying VITA coaching with Layla Martin. I am also inspired by the work of Melanie Ann Layer, Dr Nicole Le Pera, Dr Peter Levine and A.H. Almaas.

How do I find out more?

Say hello! Book an intro call and we can talk it through. Or if that feels too much for now, follow me on Instagram or LinkedIn and you’ll get more of a sense of my day to day vibe.